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Word on Marble

Welcome to Day 63/365 *There’s joy and peace in simplicity.* Do you feel overwhelmed and stressed by the constant pressure to achieve more and more? Do you ever stop to ask yourself if all of this is really worth it? The truth is, often times, it is not. There's so much value in finding joy and peace in simplicity. Being content with what we have can bring about a sense of satisfaction and fulfillment that constantly pushing for more never can. A wise man once told his God *"Don't make me to rich to forget you and not to poor to Condemn you, just give me the right proportion of wealth"* *It's important to recognize that stress is often a choice, and we have the power to choose simplicity over complexity and stress.* Of course, it's natural to strive for personal and professional growth, but it's equally important to know when we're pushing ourselves too hard. By focusing on simplicity and contentment, we can reduce unnecessary stress and find greater satisfaction in our lives. ```So, take a step back and ask yourself: do you really need to keep pushing for more? Can you find contentment in what you already have? The choice is yours. Choose simplicity, choose contentment, and find joy and peace in your life``` Good Morning everyone!!!

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