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Word on Marble

Welcome to Day 85/365

Joy is Coming

Joy is coming. Please don't give up now. The plan of the enemy is to steal away your joy, and the only way he can do so is to make you doubt yourself.

My dear friend, I understand that you may be going through a tough time right now, and it may be difficult to see the light at the end of the tunnel. But I want to assure you that joy is indeed coming, and it's important to hold onto that hope.

It's true that the enemy can try to steal away your joy by making you doubt yourself, but you have the power to overcome those doubts and choose to focus on the positive things in your life. Remember that you are strong and capable, and you have the support of those who care about you.

Take some time to practice self-care and do things that bring you joy, even if it's just something small like taking a walk or listening to your favorite music. And know that this difficult time is temporary, and better days are ahead.

So please don't give up now. Hold onto hope and keep moving forward, knowing that joy is coming.

Good Morning Everyone!!!

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