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Word on Marble

Word on Marble

Welcome to Day 84/365

This too shall Pass

Dear friend,

I need you to know, there are times when life doesn't go as planned. Situations may arise that are beyond control, and they may seem like they are not working out for your own good.

I want you to know that these situations are not meant to break you. They are meant to challenge you and help you grow.

You have the power within you to overcome any obstacle that comes your way. Don't let the fear of failure or the fear of the unknown hold you back from achieving your dreams.

Believe in yourself and your abilities, and trust that you have what it takes to overcome any adversity.

Remember, the most successful people in the world have all faced setbacks and failures along the way. It's how they responded to those challenges that made them successful.

Keep pushing forward, and always remember that you have the power to turn any situation around for your own good.

Good Morning Everyone!!!

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