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Word on Marble

Welcome to Day 81/365 *Time Heals All, But Your Effort is Required* I know this is one of those words you do not want to read about, not after knowing what comes next; forgiveness and letting go. I know you are saying the scar runs deep; he hurt me so bad, she will never get forgiveness from me etc. Forgiveness and letting go can be difficult and painful processes, especially when we have been deeply hurt by someone. The urge to feel anger and a desire for revenge or justice. However, holding onto these negative emotions can lead to further pain and suffering, both for ourselves and for loved ones. Forgiveness does not mean forgetting or condoning the hurtful actions of others. Rather, it involves a willingness to let go of resentment and to move forward without holding onto grudges. Unfortunately, Forgiveness takes time and effort, and it often involves confronting the painful emotions and working through them in a healthy way. This can be hard but very possible. Letting go is also an important part of the healing process. Letting go allows us to move forward with a sense of peace and freedom, and allows us to focus on the present moment and build a brighter future. It is important to remember that forgiveness and letting go are not easy, and there is no set timeline for how long they should take. It is a personal journey that requires self-reflection, patience, and compassion for oneself and for others. Good Morning everyone!!!

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