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Word on Marble

Updated: Mar 10, 2023

Welcome to Day 64/365

Who you partner with, determines a lot about you.

*First, before anything else, I want to make it clear that your partner in this context is not just limited to those with whom you share intimacy, but also includes anyone with whom you have a mutual relationship, such as family, loved ones, friends, neighbors, and colleagues at work* .

Having meaningful and fulfilling relationships is an important aspect of life, and it's not limited to just our romantic partners. No one is an island, which is why we need to constantly seek out new potential relationships that can be mutually beneficial for both parties. I encourage you to develop the habit of socializing.

It's important to recognize that we cannot live our lives alone and we need to seek out new potential relationships that can be mutually beneficial. This is why socialization is key. Making an effort to socialize and build relationships can lead to a more fulfilling life. By connecting with others, we gain different perspectives, learn new things, and even find new opportunities.


So, whether it's joining a club or organization, attending networking events, or simply reaching out to someone you admire, make the effort to expand your social circle. Your relationships can be a source of joy and support, so invest in them and watch as they enrich your life.```

Good morning, everyone!!!

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