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Word on Marble

Welcome to Day 74/365

*Rejection isn't Denial* (True Story)

"Rowan Atkinson (Mr Bean), best known for his role as Mr. Bean, is a true inspiration for anyone who has faced adversity in their life.

Born into a middle-class family in England, Atkinson struggled with a severe stutter as a child. He was often teased and bullied by his classmates, who even went so far as to compare him to an alien due to his unique appearance.

Despite these challenges, Atkinson was determined to overcome his limitations and pursue his dreams. He threw himself into his studies and developed a love for science, which helped him to cope with the social isolation he experienced as a result of his speech disorder. Despite the difficult circumstances of his upbringing, Atkinson refused to give up on himself.

After graduating from Oxford University with a degree in electrical engineering, Atkinson's got a new passion for acting. However, his speech disorder made it difficult for him to pursue a career in acting, and he struggled to find opportunities in the entertainment industry.

Undeterred, he joined a comedy group and began to hone his skills as a performer. Despite the challenges he faced, Atkinson remained dedicated to his craft, and his hard work eventually paid off.

He developed a knack for creating unique comedy sketches, and discovered that he was able to speak fluently when he was in character. This realization gave him the confidence to continue pursuing his dreams, and he began to develop the character of Mr. Bean.

Today, Rowan Atkinson is recognized as one of the most talented and respected actors in the world.


No one is born perfect. Don’t be afraid. People can accomplish amazing things every day in spite of their weaknesses and failures. Remember Rejection is never a Denial but rather a platform to try differently.

Good Morning everyone!!!

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