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Stick to your Gun and Stop trying to be like Others.

Words on Marble

Welcome to Day 58/365

Stick to your Gun and Stop trying to be like Others.

Hey there, you ought to know by now that trying to be like those you feel are better than you is a big misplacement of priority.

I have this to tell you my friend, there is that THING that is specifically meant to be yours and no one else will do it better as you. So why abandoned something uniquely designed for you to rather go about other people's passion.

Bottom line is, yes you can decide to whore after other persons passion and maybe even become successful at it, but the underlined truth here in is, You not sticking to YOU would bring those attached you (your success) to suffer gravely.

stay true to yourself and try not to compromise your values or beliefs in an attempt to fit in or be liked by others. It's important to have a strong sense of self and to live authentically, rather than constantly striving to please others or conform to societal expectations.

Good Morning everyone!!

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