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Going to a place is a Dream

Word on Marble

Welcome to Day 55/365

Going to a place is a Dream

Been at the place is a pleasure."

Your dreams and aspirations are the starting point for your journey towards success. Just like going to a new place, the anticipation and excitement of your dreams are essential to keep you motivated and moving forward. But remember, the real pleasure comes from the actual experience of pursuing your dreams and turning them into reality. Embrace the journey with determination and perseverance, and enjoy every step of the way. Your hard work and dedication will lead you to the ultimate pleasure of achieving your goals."

You need to understand that both the dream and the pleasure of visiting a place are important and valuable experiences, but they are distinct from each other. The dream phase allows for anticipation and excitement, while the pleasure phase allows for the actualisation of those hopes and the enjoyment of the experience.

So as beautiful as you dreams can be, the pleasure of dreams comes with the actualisation of it.

Good Morning everyone!!

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